The latest Nurgle release was a new version of the Great Unclean One, and I just had to paint it to add to my fledgling Nurgle army for Age of Sigmar (and as always with Demons, it has the bonus of being able to flex into 40K games as well!)
This is a very detailed kit. There are lots of details. Lots of disgustingly brilliant details, and it was a lot of fun to paint (if a touch time consuming!)
I started out with a layered approach to the undercoating. I based him with a dark coat of Caliban Green, then used angled layers of Death Guard Green and Averland Yellow to bring out the depth of the folds and such. I then washed the entire model in Camoshade.
Then I started to pick out the details. For the larger torn skin areas I used Cadian Fleshtone with a mix of sepia and crimson washes. I then picked out the muscle sections in the mouth with Emporer's Children.
I did my usual rusty metal scheme for the flail, but went with a shiny green treatment for the bladed part of his sword, with a central shaft of deep red.
I experimented with different colors for the boils, and tried green and yellow before deciding on Cadian Fleshtone there as well.
Then I did a final pass on the details. The cloth and chain at the back, and the eyes and smoke on the flail, before ending up with more of the boil areas.
Overall I was pretty damn happy with the final result on this one!