Got back from GDC to have a good relaxing weekend, and to spend some time at the painting table. This time out the goal was to finish up the latest addition to my Stormcast Eternal army, the Lord Aquilor.
I really wanted to try the Gryph Charger mount, as it has been a while since I tackled anything remotely feathered.
I decided to go with a deep red theme for the charger to match the reds of my army. That meant taking the plumage and feathers up to a kind of fire orange.
My tip for painting feathers is always to go up one more color in brightness than you thought you needed. See above how it is the yellow that really makes the details on the feathers pop.
Then I add some character and contrast to the head, using some deeper colors around the eye to make it stand out, before giving the horns a more natural bone treatment.All in all I was pretty happy with the way that this one turned out.