The Mountain King

This one was a lot of fun to paint! The Trollblood Mountain King was a model that I had wanted to tackle for some time.

I'd put it off because I couldn't decide on a color scheme for him that I liked. Then a couple of weeks ago I was playing around with some weathering effects and the idea started to form into a cohesive plan for this guy!

I wanted to create a weathered bronze type of effect for his 'rocky' areas, almost give them a metallic crystal style effect.

It came togteher better than I could have hoped. I worked up the effect with layers of washes, and a combination of a couple of Games Workshops specialist paints (Nihilakh Oxide and Typhus Corrosion), some wet blending really brought it all together.

Trollblood Mountain King

I'm pretty happy with the result. He is a huge sculpt with great character, so I was happy that I was able to do him justice.

He also got a spin on the turntable so you can take a look at the entire model.
