I'm still making progress on the Age of Sigmar starter box, and most recently I've managed to get all of the hero models completed, including each armies leader.
I've also enjoyed shooting these in these mock battle scenes. I kind of like the more dramatic presentation.
The quality of the plastic sculpts in this box can't be understated. They truly are great models to assemble and paint. I don't think anyone can match the quality of miniatures that Games Workshop are producing right now.
I've also enjoyed shooting these in these mock battle scenes. I kind of like the more dramatic presentation.
I have probably two thirds of the start set done now. Just a couple of the standard units yet to do. I might take a break to tackle some of the Warmahordes stuff that is sitting in my backlog, and of course Games Workshop are about to unleash a new wave of Tau Empire miniatures into the world, so I just know those are going to get acquired and painted!