More Age of Sigmar

When the Age of Sigmar box dropped I made a sort of pledge to myself that I would actually try and completely paint the starter set. Previous Games Workshop starter sets sit on my shelf in various forms of incompleteness.

So last weekend I made some progress!

Chaos vs Order

Chaos vs Order

The Khorgorath was a fun sculpt to paint. I don't tackle that kind of demon / beast kit very often so it was a nice change of pace, and I was pretty happy with the results.

Skuldrak, Khorgorath

Skuldrak, Khorgorath (rear)

I also got another three of the Eternals done. The new gold paints work a treat, and the armor detail on the sculpts makes them interesting to paint. I went with something close to the 'official' schemes (as it's probably not an army I ever see myself playing much). 

Eternal Retributors

Eternal Retributors

So progress being made! I've even assembled the remaining character heroes. Hopefully I might actually be able to follow through this time and complete the box.
