... wow, January flew by, must be having fun right?
... managed a surprisingly small amount of gaming this month. Mainly some arenas in Hearthstone, finishing up my replay of Enslaved, and a tiny amount of time with the free games on PSN this month (primarily some button mashing stress release with the DMC reboot). Most time is being swallowed up by the stuff that comes with having moved to a new country (and an aside on that note, when the hell did beds become so expensive?), and keeping up with the projects on the painting table ...
... grabbed the first trade paperback collection of East of West. I was a little cautious, given the shared themes with The Sixth Gun (which is one of my favorite currently running books), but it's Jonathan Hickman and I pretty much have to read everything he puts out ...
... also keeping up with Brian Woods The Massive, which continues to be an interesting book. I'm still forgiving the thin central premise (I mean how long exactly are they going to keep looking for this ship?) because the world and the characters are so compelling. It's a dystopia chock full of shades of grey, just the type of worlds that I enjoy exploring ...
... I enjoyed reading / experiencing JJ Abrams foray into physical mysteries with S. It's very much a thing for people who want books to continue to be a thing. It's tactile, unique, and well worth picking up. The concept is a little odd, that two people are communicating through notes written to each other in the margins of a book, and slowly unfolding a mystery linked to the book itself. The book and the inserts are well put together, and the story does a fantastic job of hooking you, subtly seeding it's mysteries so that you want to read on ...