This is the result of me getting carried away with a simple idea for basing a miniature I was painting. Before I knew it, I was scratch building this little scene, as the concept kind of snowballed.
Everything apart from the two miniatures is carved out of modelling foam and pva. The troll comes from the Reaper range, he was actually what started it all out. I had picked him out just as a quick painting project after doing all the 40K miniatures of late. I hadn't painted any of the new Reaper plastics, and the Troll seemed like it had some nice details. As I started to think about how to base him, an idea started to get carried away in my mind. That lead me to the Dreamer from the Malifaux game. The little boy was a perfect match for the concept.
Given this was the first time I had dared to try and make scratch built scenery or basing myself, I am pretty happy with how it turned out! I hoped the stylized trees and stars would work out well for the 'dreaming' theme, and I think it came together quite well.
Given this was the first time I had dared to try and make scratch built scenery or basing myself, I am pretty happy with how it turned out! I hoped the stylized trees and stars would work out well for the 'dreaming' theme, and I think it came together quite well.
I decided it needed a name, hence "When I Dream ..."
Might try something a little less ambitious next time out though!