... Ni No Kuni is one of the most gorgeous games I have played in a while. Yes, as a firm fan of Studio Ghibli I was unlikely to have had any other opinion, but having waited so long to get my hands on it, I am not disappointed. I have only just started out, and I am sure it will take many an hour to dive into, but for now I am just enjoying exploring such a wonderfully created world in that style ...
... it's generally been a month of playing JRPGs all round for me, with trying to finish up Persona 4 Golden on the Vita, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. More on that later most likely, I feel it will inspire a post all of it's own ...
... Brian K Vaughan's return to comics with Saga continues to be the best new series of many a year for me. Superb world building, and what an intriguing, weird, and wonderful world it is that he is building issue after issue. It has been a long time since I felt compelled to pick up a comic series as individual issues rather than waiting for the trade paperbacks, but this is one of them ...
... I picked up a three month subscription to the iPad version of 2000AD out of nostalgia and another viewing of Dredd. It's been many, many years since I read the magazine, probably almost fifteen years! It has been kind of reassuring to see that it is still the same kind of publication that I remember, and going back has been like visiting an old childhood haunt and finding things oddly, yet reassuringly, unchanged ...
... JJ Abrams getting to do Star Wars and Star Trek is some kind of geek nirvana, and will doubtlessly spawn an awful lot of cross-over dreams amongst the hardcore fans. That will never happen methinks, but Disney signing up a director with a good reputation and following is a great start for the franchise under their stewardship ...