... I'm not sure whether I'd look forward to another season of Alcatraz or not. While the mystery is relatively compelling, and I like the concept, some residual affection for Hurley Doc Soto aside, the characters simply aren't connecting in the way that other JJ Abrams shows achieve. These characters are not as well defined and believable as you found in Lost, and the show lacks the charisma or charm of a John Noble, who roots the foundations of a show like Fringe so well. I kind of want to know more about the warden's presumably diabolical plot, but I can't seem to care for these characters ...
... I am enjoying exploring ancient Constantinople so far, as I finally get around to playing the latest in the Assassin's Creed series. Regardless of the 'samey' feeling that comes with the third installment from the same engine, the new location is welcome. I never cease to be impressed by the cities in the Assassin's Creed games. The level of detail there,and the feeling of being in a living breathing city is inspiring. As fun as the parkour game-play is, part of me really wishes I had access to that engine to make a good old fashioned adventure game ... so much potential there ...
... glad to see Brian K Vaughan writing for comics again with Saga. The first issue was suitably intriguing, and in a wonderfully bizarre way, there seems to be a lot of ways they could go with the world that we get a peek into in the first issue. I am willing to look past the slightly overused magic vs technology angle, when the ruling class is comprised of strange oddly human robots with Television sets for heads (and who apparently enjoy a good spot of fornication as much as the next person). There is a hell of a lot of world building crammed into the pages of the first issue, and they drew me in straight away ...
... MMO wise, I have been catching up with Star Trek Online now that it has converted to F2P, and for some reason find the new duty officer system more compelling than the designer in me says I should. With the recent addition of the interior of your ships, maybe it is because the game now feels more like what I might have wanted a Star Trek game to feel like in the first place. I have also been trying to squeeze in some time with EQ2, as I like to keep my favorite characters at max level before they raise the level cap again ...
... I have also finally been enjoying some League of Legends to quell the thirst for more competitive play. I initially struggled with the game, it just wasn't as immediate for me as something like Starcraft 2 or Bloodline Champions. I have stuck at it off and on, but recently stumbled across a couple of champions I had previously dismissed, but who it turns out I really enjoy playing. It should be noted I only play random blind pick games, rather than serious ladder games, but now that I have found some versatile champions that let me play different styles in different scenarios I am really enjoying it. Janna in particular is proving a lot of fun, and I like being able to play as either support, or an AP powered damage dealer, with the same character ... I might find myself more enthralled than I thought ...