...I thoroughly enjoyed playing through the HD re-issue of ICO. Usually I try and steer clear of replaying older games as I am always worried that my memories of the experience outweigh the actual experience. (I am admittedly somewhat of a graphics junkie so that rarely helps with the older titles). This was not the case here, and I think I might actually have enjoyed this replay more than I did the original...perhaps my tastes in game design have matured, perhaps the game is just that timeless. Next up will be Shadows of the Colossus, interested to see if that fares as well by comparison...
...returned to Star Trek Online to check out the game again now that it has also converted to Free to Play. The game has definitely improved and I've enjoyed some brief time with my Federation captain playing through some of the new content...
...also finished up a character in The Old Republic, and oddly the two areas that I think I had the most fun with are the some of those I see most people complain about. Personally I had a lot of fun with the space sections, primarily I think because it fired off my nostalgia circuits. I spent a lot of time as a kid playing Star Wars arcade machines, both the original wire frame as a youngling and then again with Trilogy cabinet, so that's probably the root cause of the attraction for me. I also found myself liking the Huttball mini-game for some reason, something about projecting people into flaming pits and acid baths I guess...
...almost done with 1Q84 and finding Murakami on good form. Next up reading wise is Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, since so many of friends have had good things to say about. My good friend and departing Anarchy Online Game Director Colin 'Means' Crag gave me a copy when he left, so hopefully some good reading ahead....
...glad to see Fringe back on form. I was a little disappointed by the early episodes of the current season, the whole 'reset' seemed a bit flat...but the last run of three episodes have restored my faith. John Noble is still the best thing on TV these days...
...also been enjoying the shows featuring the more interesting ex-Lost cast members in Alcatraz and Persons of Interest. Early days for both shows, but showing promise that if they can get to their second seasons there will be some cool mysteries to unwind...