The Montreal International Game Summit is now done and dusted, and it was once again a really cool event. There were a lot of interesting sessions, and I always appreciate the opportunity to meet with so many enthusiastic and passionate people from the industry.
My own session went pretty well. You are usually pretty happy to have filled the room and not had people leave before you finish, so I always take that as a good starting point :) Hopefully people found the session interesting and engaging, and I enjoyed meeting folk and chatting afterwards. The subjects of the session will be the basis for a couple of posts that will be coming up here on the blog once I have had the chance to sit down and reformat it into something digestible in nice little blog sized bites!
In terms of the other sessions people seemed very happy with the overall quality. I heard a lot of very positive chatter from the attendees and the sessions I got to sit in on were well worth the time. I thoroughly enjoyed the session by Manveer Heir from Bioware on the potential of a systemic approach to storytelling. As someone who firmly believes that you don't necessarily need to rely on traditional content design to build story, I found myself nodding a lot during his presentation. I'm pretty sure it will inspire another missive on storytelling and MMOs at some stage in the near future!
I love to observe how those working in and around the industry consider our own work, and that there are so many areas where we already know we can push things even further, whether that is in terms of technology, or in terms of design, and how we can provide even more immersion and emotionally engaging games.
So overall events like this always serve to motivate and inspire in one way or another. A huge thanks to everyone who took part, and everyone who said hello and took part in the session. Looking forward to MIGS 2012 already!