MIGS Tomorrow...

I'll be speaking at the Montreal International Game Summit tomorrow, you can find all the details of my session here over at the official site. It's an interesting and fun topic and I am looking forward to presenting again at the Summit. Met lots of smart, enthusiastic and nice people at the event last year, so hopefully this year's event will follow suit. I am sure that the content of the session might make for a post or two afterwards as well!

A nasty cold last week had deprived me of my voice last week, and it's only just getting back to normal today, so hopefully I won't be sounding too Tom Waits-ish when speaking tomorrow. Although rather bizarrely, in my own head I sounded more like Scooby Doo when I tried to talk on Friday, if that had persisted I am pretty sure I would not have been able to keep a straight face while doing the presentation! 

If you are attending the show make sure you drop by and say hello!
