I think...

...it's been a busy month, lots of work, and not so much time to catch up on various forms of entertainment...

...have been able to spend some time with Batman: Arkham City and have not been disappointed. Not all that far in so far, but a hugely enjoyable sequel to the previous game, and the wider scope and stage serves to amplify the fun tremendously. Fantastic voice work as well from a great cast...alas not sure I will finish it in time to get to play Uncharted 3 when it appears, so Drake's latest adventure may have to wait...

...I seem to be one of the few not excited by the arrival of Battlefield 3. Professional curiosity will dictate I give it a whirl at some stage, but strangely not compelled to dive right in...

...I am going to miss Doctor Who now that the season is done and dusted. I am also more than a little disappointed to hear that there might be truth to the rumors that next season will be Matt Smith's last as the Doctor, as I have really enjoyed his interpretation of the Timelord...

...none of the new fall shows have grabbed my attention. Terra Nova simply isn't doing anything for me, and I had hopes that Persons of Interest might go somewhere interesting, but it hasn't yet...at least there is new Fringe to enjoy, although the new season also hasn't hit the heights of previous runs, at least not yet, but hoping things take some more interesting turns there...

...I am more and more intrigued by the stories that HBO are definitely going to make a Dark Tower show, if they show it the same respect they have to Game of Thrones, then I am in!


Dillengerz said…
They have halved the budget for the Dark Tower movie however, and Javier Bardem might not be attached anymore :( He would have made a great Roland. I am losing faith in their attempts to make a Dark Tower adaptation, but at least HBO have a decent track record so there may be some hope yet.
Anonymous said…
Wouldn't Javier Bardem be a bit old for playing Roland? Or is it too long since I read the Dark Tower?