Sights from Comic-con...

The convention invariably overflows with photo opportunities, and this year was no different. Walking around the show floor with the camera was good fun, despite the craziness of the crowds...

SDCC 2011 - Above the Floor SDCC 2011 - Ghostbusters

Click past the jump to see more pictures!

SDCC 2011 - Red Five

...Red Five come in...

SDCC 2011 - Interview

...there were lots of strange interviews to be seen...

SDCC 2011 - Watching the Watchmen

...this guy had found just the right spot to hang out!...

SDCC 2011 - Green Goblin

...the busts that Slideshow Collectibles had on show were impressive...

SDCC 2011 - Castle Crashers

...a Castle Crashers arcade machine!! I want one!...

SDCC 2011 - Cylons

...the most impressive thing about these guys was that the suits actually made the sound effects as well!...

SDCC 2011 - Crowds with cameras

...photographing the photographer photographing the photographers...but what are they all shooting...

SDCC 2011 - Slave Girls

...of course...I should have known...

For those looking for the pictures from the Conan movie signings, those will appear on the game's website on Monday, so check those out as well...but it was quite cool to get to meet the cast and crew of the movie. It is always great to get to meet the other creative folk that are working on the license...including Conan himself!

You can find the rest of the pictures here on Flickr.


Waldgeist said…
I envy you meeting Jason :D

But man, you need to get out in the sun some more haha, you look like a white fish compared to sunburned Conan! :)
Anonymous said…
Sil is going for the "Conan Look"

Byron said…
Hah! how far is he leaning down to be at head height with you? Is he really that tall?
Anonymous said…
Great Pictures!