...haven't had nearly enough time with new games this month. Got a little time in with Brink, but have to admit to being a little disappointed. Maybe is that a pretty perfect team based shooter for me already exists (in the form of Team Fortress 2), but something about Brink just didn't click, which is a shame as I have been a fan of some of their previous shooters. I like to see people trying something different and ambitious, and I liked some of the elements (the GUI, the movement among them) but overall the team dynamics were too disjointed to really enjoy the team play...it might grow on me though...so I probably will check it out again as the community matures...
...no chance to try either LA Noire or The Witcher 2 yet, despite really wanting to...
...the start of the summer movie season has been a bit hit and miss for me. I enjoyed Thor as a light super-hero romp that was nicely paced and cast well. I was eager to see what a director like Kenneth Branagh would make of a license like that, and it worked for me...alas can't quite say the same about the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, while Depp is still worth watching, even Captain Jack seemed a little jaded this time out. Ian McShane wasn't given the same opportunity to shine as the previous villains, and the script was a little disjointed. I guess at the end of the day I still enjoyed it as mind candy, but it didn't have the same fun factor as the previous entries in the series...
...I was always going to love an episode of Doctor Who penned by Neil Gaiman, and I wasn't disappointed, his episode was brilliantly written with great dialog and a brilliant concept. I am enjoying the new season, and while I can understand why some people feel it might be a touch darker this year than it's target audience usually tolerate, for me it's pretty much exactly what I like most in my timelords...
oh and PLEASE fix stamina regens, it's been 6 months since a dev started the thread where they acknowledge the issue and not a single word has been heard from them since in that post.
Come on m8 this bollocks with stamina has gone on for too long, please it's killing the fun in the game and serves no purpose other than to frustrate. Sort that out and the game will be near perfect as it can get and will be perfect once you add AA xp from old world dungeons so they are worth doing!
My laptop is two years old, and is fairly standard for a gaming rig. I can play most games on medium / high depending on the game without too many problems. I have a 9600M GT card and 4g of RAM
...as for the Conan stuff, I don't answer specific question here on the blog, those are for the forums, although I believe that one has been answered already in that those issues have either already been resolved (most of them) and they are still looking to see if they find any other anomalies, but I don't believe they have fund any yet. If you know specifically hwo to reproduce something you don't think has been addressed, make sure to post it in detail, with steps on how to reproduce it, on the test server forums :)
As for your laptop 9600m gt ◔̯◔ woah its time to upgrade to a i5 2500k cpu and a 580gtx gpu!