...Fringe really hit the mark for me this week. I enjoyed Christopher Lloyd's turn as Walter's musical hero, he is usually worth watching and didn't disappoint. (On a side note I also couldn't help but presume that naming the episode 'Firefly' was a veiled reference to Fox shifting the show to a Friday time-slot that has seen the demise of shows like Firefly). I tend to enjoy the episodes where the writers play with the Observers ability to interfere with time, and the consequences that come with it, even if it results in some 'I saw that coming' moments. The Twin Peaks reference to Doctor Jacoby and his blue and red glasses was fun for those of us old enough to remember Twin Peaks. Lastly, I had to smile at Peter verbalizing what many of us think when watching any show from Abrams, Orci, and Kurtzman - "All we ever seem to get is more questions rather than any answers"...first show in a long time that I get the unavoidable urge to be very fanboy about...
...it's nice to be back in Oslo for the week. Slightly warmer (or should that be slightly less cold??) than Montreal, and good to catch up with folks at the studio here as well...
...I needed a change of pace for my reading schedule, which has been lots of science fiction of late, so I picked up a couple of the Murakami books that I haven't read yet. One of the benefits of being introduced to an author many years after they were first published, is that there is a good back catalog to work through!
...I have been going through my semi-occasional gaming habit of flicking between all the MMOs I haven't played in a while to catch up on what they done over the last year. So logged some time on Star Trek Online for the first time since it launched, tried a bit of EQ2 ahead of their next expansion, poked into Darkfall a little, and explored the new EVE expansion, if only to play with the pretty cool new character creation options that came with the latest release. Also picked up a copy of DC Universe for the Playstation (curious to try the console version so went for that!), but haven't had the time to give it a good play-through yet.
Love your ramblings by the way, loads of good reading! :)
I am sure part of it is because I approach them as much out of professional curiosity as I do as a gamer ;)
So once they have lost me I tend to stay away unfortunately. The only exception is probably AO but that was my first MMO and I have so many friends there.
Great community (but I guess you know that already)