The annual VGA awards have turned into something of a teaser showcase. A whole bunch of new trailers premiered during the show this weekend. New Batman, Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3, a new Forza Motorsport, Portal 2 and Prototype 2, Resistance 3 and a new Elder Scrolls...all in CGI showcases or teasers, so not much gameplay on show...well, actually, pretty much no gameplay on show...we also saw far too little of the Del Toro project called Insane, can't wait to see more on that one.
Also the theme for 2011 definitely appears to be dark and dangerous. When even SSX snowboarding is making it's trailers all broody and edgy you know it must be something currently 'in' with the marketing folk... least Drake seems to have found his way to the desert, so Uncharted fans might at least be some of the few not spending their 2011 gaming time shrouded in shadow and grungy camera filters.
...and at least Portal 2 seems to have it's sense of humor intact.
You can find them all up over on sites like Gametrailers.