I think...

...Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a great change of pace, and possibly one of the first times I would say that a 'Horror' game actually comes close to being genuinely scary (at least at the start, as with anything else, once the formula sinks in it does wear a little thin towards the end, but that is a minor quibble). A well crafted indie game that is well worth checking out...and as the game suggests, it really is more effective if you turn out the lights and take it for what it is intended to be...

...Halloween rolls around, and it seems to now firmly be the most popular MMO 'holiday'...there seems to be more spooky themed seasonal content out there this year than I can possibly get through to check out. The Halloween events in Anarchy Online will always have a special place in my gaming heart however and it's the one time I can't but help myself and spend some more time on Rubi-Ka...

...I am pretty much done with Civilization V for now. Was another fun run, but it hasn't held my attention quite as much as some of the previous incarnations, so Starcraft 2 is once again providing my strategy fix...

...I am not sure how long I will be able to resist the temptation to upgrade the camera now with Nikon's new D7000 offering an update for my old D90, without having to go up to the more expensive options...tempting...


AmandaP said…
Amnesia was great! I wish it was longer, but it was still worth the price of admission. I have full surround on my gaming set-up and in a darkened room with the sound up it was really atmospheric