We all love Rubi-Ka...

Spent some time yesterday with the Anarchy Online team and the players who were in town for the AO Fan Gathering. The community around the game has always been part of what makes it a very special part of my life, and for most of us who have worked on it. For a game that is almost ten years old now, the passion and friendliness of the players never ceases to raise a smile!

With over a hundred people attending, it made for a fun afternoon, which then continued on in the bar of the Dubliners well into what was technically Sunday. It is always nice to get to meet people and put some faces to the names of those you have interacted with down the years on forums or in-game.

So even if I only get to view AO from the outside now, production wise, it will always occupy a little corner of my developer heart.

Colin and his team were great hosts, hosted a Q&A, showed off some footage of the new engine, and entertained folks well into the night...some pics from the session at the office here in Oslo...

...hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as we did...


Anonymous said…
AO will always have a place in my heart too. Tested two expansions and spend most of my time on the testserver (Yana). Was a great experience but for some reason i drifted away. But to be honest, i have never had the same feelings about a game again. Wish that graphic overhaul would come, really want to come back then.
AmandaP said…
It is awesome that a game as old as AO still has such a passionate following!
Wrigley said…
Nanomage Traders forever! If that game had a better engine there would be a lot more players, even if it was just vets tired of the post WOW simplification of MMOs. AO was awesome because you needed to think to get anywhere, and it has the best community of any game I have ever played.
Anonymous said…
Bureaucrat for life! And you're right Wrigley. I haven't found a game which had the depth AO delivers. Sniff..Craig please use some whips in the AO-office for that graphic update to be done!!