....I don't quite understand the reservations many seem to have about the rumours that Joss Whedon is being lined up to helm the Avenger's Movie. I think he will do a good job and it's not as if he hasn't worked with Marvel's properties before...
...picked up Lumines on the iPhone and not quite sure on it yet. The control scheme mostly works but does create some annoying moments when you end up sliding a block down rather than rotating (or vice versa). The design and implementation though retains everything that made the previous versions so compelling. Not sure it will trump Plants vs Zombies though in terms of my playing time while travelling...
...I am a little disappointed that the sky over Norway isn't slightly more apocalpytic this weekend, with all the issues being caused by volcanic ash that is floating this way from Iceland. The sky is remarkably clear and blue considering what they tell us is drifting around up there. It's also of course crippling air travel over here, and with a trip to Montreal next week to visit our office there planned, looks like I might be planning a different week...
...picked up Lumines on the iPhone and not quite sure on it yet. The control scheme mostly works but does create some annoying moments when you end up sliding a block down rather than rotating (or vice versa). The design and implementation though retains everything that made the previous versions so compelling. Not sure it will trump Plants vs Zombies though in terms of my playing time while travelling...
...I am a little disappointed that the sky over Norway isn't slightly more apocalpytic this weekend, with all the issues being caused by volcanic ash that is floating this way from Iceland. The sky is remarkably clear and blue considering what they tell us is drifting around up there. It's also of course crippling air travel over here, and with a trip to Montreal next week to visit our office there planned, looks like I might be planning a different week...