I think...

...Matt Smith is going to be a great Doctor. It might only be two episodes in to the new season of Doctow Who, but he's already as charismatic and eccentric (in a new, but also reassuringly familiar, 'Doctor Who' type of way) as a new Doctor should be. With a new doctor and Steven Moffat at the helm it looks like it might make for a promising season...

...Plants vs Zombies is just about perfect on an iPhone. If anything the touch interface makes it even better on Apple's little gadget than it was on the PC...

...this was the best link of the week...


LogicalMind said…
You British people and your Doctor Who. Can't say I will ever see the appeal of that one. It always seems like really low budget campy nonsense to me, but lots of people, even here in the US do seem to like it for some reason.