I think...

...first Kick Ass looks like it might actually be fun, and now the trailer for the Scott Pilgrim movie actually looks promising. Comics that I'd never have put down to get a good movie treatment might just work...now someone just needs to convince HBO to commit to a 20 episode telling of Sandman and I'll be happy!

...Tron Legacy has me nervous, possibly shattered childhood memories or awesome opportunity to revisit the first movie that drew me into computer games? The recent trailer though did make me smile...

...The Starcraft 2 beta still steals what little time I have between expansion preperations, it's a harsh mistress for sure, but also as compelling as always because you know that with each defeat it's teaching you something...and slowly but surely you might not suck quite so much...

...this week's episode was quite possibly my favorite episode of Lost yet, although I hope that the whole religious allegory angle is another red herring on the way to a final masterstroke...if Jacob is an angel of any description I am going to be pissed!


Peats said…
Lost wise. I am pretty sure the Jacob / MiB things is going to be a decoy of some kind, at least they aren't going to be god and the devil as was not very subtley hinted at in this weeks episode, at least, like you, I really hope not!
TheSpecialOne said…
I can't wait for the Scott Pilgrim movie, but I wonder what they are going to do with the last installation of the comic? Same time as the movie? Anyone know?