Nurgle's Glory

With my first quiet weekend in a while, I took the opportunity to do a special studio project and set about getting some pictures of my entire Nurgle forces.

This force has been over two years in the making (and not finished yet) so I figured it was about time I did them justice in the studio too!

Countless hours of painting and conversions on display here. It was great to see it all together for the first time. Yes, yes, I know it's totally illegal to field all that stuff together, but that wasn't the point here!

The point was the pretty pictures!

Nurgle Army

I'd hate to have to get in their way!

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

Nurgle Army

I'm probably not near finished adding to it yet either, so maybe in another two years I'll have to do another massive shoot like this!
