Putrid Blightkings

Another year, another set of new adventures at the painting table. First up this year? The start of a potential new army.

Putrid Blightkings

These Putrid Blightkings might just be the first step on the way to a new force for Age of Sigmar. 

I always struggle a little when I start on a new force in any game because I will start to second guess my color scheme choices. This was definitely one of those occassions. About half-way through doing these guys I was sure that the purple / rust combo just wasn't going to work, but it grew on me the further in I got.

Putrid Blightkings

Sometimes you just have to keep plugging away at something before it starts to come together. No matter how many years you paint, those first few models in a new army are always a little nerve wracking.

Putrid Blightkings

Putrid Blightkings

Putrid Blightkings

Putrid Blightkings

I'm not sure what will be next for the force, probably the new demons that are inbound, and one of those gnarly looking tree models!
