Start Making Games

So this one is a little bit of a side passion project for me.

I get asked about how to get into game development all the time. Over the years I had answered questions on that subject in various places. This blog, twitter, here on Facebook, in person at conventions, while teaching etc

I've talked about it here a few times in different posts and conversations, but I wanted something more. Something clearer and easier to point people towards.

So I made a better looking website that could act as a single source for all my answers to the question 'how do I get into game development?' Enter

No Patreon, no classes to sell, or products on offer, just some genuine advice and a lot of links to the many resources available on the internet that can help you get started.

So if you are interested in a career in games, please check it out!

Feedback welcome. I'll be keeping it up to date and relevant as time passes, so I'd love to hear any suggestions for good additions etc
