I think ...

... Saturday evenings are thoroughly entertaining at the moment. With new Doctor Who, and the surprising, and awesome, Orphan Black back to back on Space (the Canadian equivalent of Syfy), it makes for a good two hours of science fiction TV. If you haven't checked out Orphan Black yet, do so straight away. It's an intriguing mystery drama based around a cloning conspiracy. Brilliantly played and smartly scripted so far, I can't wait to see where they take it ...

... I don't recall ever having seen as much written about a game as has been committed to the internet in the wake of people finishing Bioshock Infinite. Personally I absolutely loved the story, and world-building, and had various issues with the game-play and design choices. It is however a must play game. You won't regret it ...

... I have been unable to scratch an itch for a good turn based strategy outing since finishing X-Com. Maybe the upcoming Heroes of Might and Magic might do it, but I've had less fun with that series as the roman numerals after each title get higher. Also makes me wonder why there hasn't been more tactics / turn based titles on iOs as you would think the touch screen interface would be perfect for some turn based fun ...

...made level 90 and played through the latest end-game in World of Warcraft with a Pandaren Monk. Had quite a lot of fun after so long away from the game (I'd last played seriously around the launch of Wrath of Lich King). Now playing through on Rift again to check out the Storm Legion expansion ...

... not totally sold on Defiance yet, TV show or MMO, the show seems to struggle a little to bring it's characters out of stereotype and the usual sci-fi tropes, but I'll give it a few more episodes. The MMO is good fun in short bursts, but I have had quite a few connectivity issues when playing the PS3 version, so hard to get a good overview of it so far as I've only managed a few hours so far ...
