Pixelles Game Incubator

Are you a member of the ever growing ranks of female gamers, live close to Montreal, and interested in learning how to make games? The Pixelles Game Incubator might be just what you are looking for. 

Working off the great successes of Dames Making Games: Toronto and with the support of the Feminists in Games research group, the project will be running a game-making incubator for women in Montreal, from January to February. The intention of this initiative is to introduce new game makers into the community.

You can find out more details about the project here and you have until 11:59pm on December 7th to apply.

There is also an information session on November 28th at Eastern Bloc to answer any questions you may have about the program or about helping out during the incubator.

Nov 28th, 7pm @ Eastern Bloc
7240 Clark street
Montreal, Québec, H2R 2Y3

One of our own from here at the office, Tanya Short, who has worked on Age of Conan, Fashion Week Live, and The Secret World, is one of those involved in this great initiative. I firmly believe the industry will benefit greatly from a better balance between the sexes in the development community, so it's great to see folk trying to pro-actively encourage projects like this. 

You can also follow them on Twitter for more information! @pixellesmtl @tanyaxshort


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