I think...

...that despite there being quite a bit of apathy towards it, I really enjoyed the first season of Falling Skies. Most of the characters clicked, and I felt the story moved along at a good pace. I am not entirely sure that the 'they stole our children' angle is enough to drive another full season, so when it does return (it got renewed for season two last week) I hope we move forward with a different central storyline...

...the new run of Torchwood hasn't disappointed me so far. It is however undeniably different, with the obvious increase in budget and the decision to have the entire ten episode run be one long story effecting the pacing. Personally I haven't seen either of those things as being negative. Jack might be lacking a little of his swagger, but I get the feeling that's the point, and Bill Pullman is suitably unnerving in a role that is as intriguing as any I can remember in recent times...not entirely sure what role he will end up playing as the story concludes...

...I am looking forward to playing Bastion when it launches on the PC this week (pending actually having the time to play some games that is!. I got some time with the XBox version at Comic-con recently, and I was almost instantly hooked. It's a great looking old fashioned RPG that just fits together really neatly. maybe it is nostalgia for 'when they used to make games like that'...but one of the beauties of XBox arcade and the thriving indie and small studio scene, is that the time when they used to make games like that, might just be now...

...re-reading the Game of Thrones series again off the back of the HBO run. It is amazing how much more certain characters 'work' for me, after having seen the TV adaptation. When I first read the books for example, Tyrion's character never really resonated with me in any way, but after watching Peter Dinklage's excellent portrayal of 'the imp', his character in the book suddenly shines out a lot more... 

...MMO wise I have actually been spending a good chunk of my free MMO time in our own game. With so many new players, and the new server to keep tabs on, it's been great to spend some extra time on the live servers and just play alongside the masses. You get such a good insight from that kind of incognito play that it really is invaluable as a developer...
