A worthy Kickstarter mention

I really like the idea of Kickstarter. If you haven't heard of it before it is a website that allows independent or personal projects the opportunity to ask for support from the community in exchange for different things depending on how much they contribute. It might be a copy of the finished work, a mention in credits, a ticket to a premier if it's a movie or anything in between. The cool part is that the project sets a target, and only gets the funds released to them if they make their target. So you will only pay your contribution once it is certain they have enough to go ahead.

It's a neat concept and there are often some cool projects on there.

Right now there is a campaign for one of the projects I have mentioned on the blog before - The Wormworld Saga by Daniel Lieske, who is looking to make an app version of the comic. I think this is a cool way for users to get involved, and get themselves some decent rewards for their contributions (personally, loving his art, I'd have equally bought the prints anyway!).

It also let's the creators create video messages to explain what they are up...

So if it looks like something you are interested in you should drop by and check out the campaign.


Davis said…
Cool website, had not heard of that one before. It is an interesting way of getting money. The project looks cool, but I would be more willing to give him some cash if it was the printing of a real book!
Anonymous said…
I might contribute just to get them faster. I read it when it came out (think I saw it on Kotaku) and I can't wait for the second part.
Bantam said…
What a cool idea, almost makes me want to get off my lazy rear and start my own project. Now I just need an idea :p