I think...

...I am jealous of all the folks getting to play Red Dead Redemption already, while travels and a lack of a console at the moment keep me away from the western goodness...

...I will be happy with the end of Lost regardless of the final episode. Now that it looks like Jacob is unlikely to be an angel of any description (yes Starbuck I am looking at you!) I am strangely comfortable with whatever type of ending they are about to throw at us...

...on the subject of Lost, this is quite a cool visual recap...

...Stargate: Universe is growing on me...

...Starcraft 2 can be a humbling experience. I was delighted to make my way up to a higher division (now in the new Platinum division, which was gold, when I was coming from Silver), only to get my rear handed to me some twenty games in a row by those far better than me in my new division...more learning ahead...which is the beauty of the game...


AmandaP said…
I can't wait for the last episode of Lost tonight, and I am also glad the whole Jacob / Man in Black in thing didn't turn into a god vs the devil thing
Landsman said…
I'll just be glad that Lost is over and there aren't any new questions I wait a season to be answered!

I have yet to win a single game in the SC2 beta :( That is one old fashioned hardcore game, I hope the single player is good, because the online component wont be appealing to the mass market I fear.
BroilsRules said…
Until they fix the disconnect problem with the SC2 I am done with it. The constant disconnects render playing multiplayer pointless, even when winning comfortably no-one is going to GG you because they know a disconnect could happen at any point and let them escape from a certain loss. It sucks. If you know anyone at Blizzard you should shout at them about that :p
Kyle said…
The current issues with the SC2 beta suck :( I only just got a key from a friend the day before the latest patch, which of course proceeded to bork the entire game :( :(