The day before...

Don't usually mention the specifics of the game here on the blog, but today is a special day. Well, stritcly speaking it will be tomorrow when we launch, but today the whole thing became starngely real when this arrived on my desk...

...there is just a certain something about actually getting the box in your hand (in this case the production proof of the european retail version). It is when the project becomes undeniably real, you can hold it, and people out there are buying it and will use those disks to install the game you have spent months or years working on. So the first time you actually get your hands on the retail box is always a little special. We often actually don't get the box copies for the team prior to the launch (as the priority goes to actual customers!), so getting the production test copies is usually the first time we get to see the box ourselves!


Recoil said…
I can't wait!! Bring the servers up fast tomorrow ya hear!
Congratulations, Craig . . . in the last couple weeks I talked a couple friends who jumped ship after launch into re-subbing and they have been mightily impressed and of course we are all eagerly awaiting the release!
Craig Morrison said…
@Recoil A few slight hitches along the way, but we got there ;)

@Circle of Ravens I just hope people enjoy it :)