I think...

...I am really glad to see Heavy Rain getting good reviews and seemingly being able to get some good sales. We need more games like this, or rather, I would love to see more games like this making an impact on the market so that it isn't seen as 'risky' to try and develop something with a compelling story as it's primary driver.

...Starcraft 2 multiplayer might well be more of a sport simulation than many actual sport games. It is also as unforgiving to the unskilled as many real sporting endeavors...yet also as compelling as ever.

...Little Hands of Asphalt have been my unexpectedly joyous musical find of the year so far. It's also the coolest name for a band I have heard in a while.

...I think I am again veering towards the hating side of my love / hate relationship with Lost, still brilliantly written, but I have a sinking feeling that this final seasons revelations are going to leave me feeling a little let down in the same way I started to lose interest during season three.

...This was my favorite article of the month. Authors giving their thoughts on how to write fiction, some interesting asides and observations in there.

...GDC is in little over a week and I still have presentations to finish...back to work!


Leopold said…
You have a SC2 beta key? Gief!!!
AmandaP said…
about half way through Heavy Rain here, it's a totally awesome experience. I really, really, really, wish people could make more games like that!
DarkTemplar said…
Quit posting and finish up our GDC demo damn it!! Kidding :p Hope there is lots of cool new things to see off the back of the show!
evilek said…
Yeah, actually I'm waiting with curiousity how they'll finish LOST :) Another nice tv show is Fringe, have you watched it ?
Craig Morrison said…
Yes, Fringe is a great show, mainly on the strength of one of my favorite TV characters of recent years in Walter Bishop. I am not sure the rest of the show would stand out as anything other than a revisiting of X-Files territory if it wasn't for Walter.